Saturday, October 17, 2009

dirty spam: couples talk

couples talk

dirty spam reintroduces hard to understand lyrics to standard rock: yes, this band has a lead singer, a guitarist, a bass player, and a drummer. Susan Atch, sometime back-up singer and lyricist for dirty spam, is schooled in a theory of social linguistics that says something along these lines: ater a lot of nonsense about the meaningfulness of language, what's more important than the conveyance of meaning through words is understanding language as part of a raw animal interaction. So, here's the playlist for couples talk:

1) what if we weren't really saying anything anyway (just mumble, I'll nod)
2) mouth to mouth (huh, what, o)
3) make it bigger (show me your naked pictures)
4) vigoro and viagra (jolly green giant thumb)
5) it's all repetition and nonsense (let's do it again)
6) whisper in my deaf ear
7) don't get on the phone while we're making love
8) get on the phone and tell your friends what we're doing
9) o my my my my
10) raw animal interaction (bark, howl, bite)

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