Sunday, October 16, 2011

more word dust billy bob beamer

more word dust billy bob beamer

My works visually explore prayer/meditation/healing processes, as well as my intuitive understanding of string theory, the vibratory interconnectedness of all things, and multiple universes. Like all art, though, the works are ultimately about themselves and the viewer's involvement with them. I concentrate on drawing--that most basic mode of communication--in a small format. To quote William Blake: "the universe lies in a grain of sand." My best way to realize incalculable enormity is to create its contrasting opposite, seen in the often faintly drawn, small-to-smallest lines, signs, and symbols. To better grasp at least one aspect of my works, the viewer needs to see them through magnification--not a gimmick but a major part of the interactive process. This method becomes a way of revealing initially unseen details in the drawings, as well as random miniscule particles, fingerprints, and detritus--the latter arriving unexpectedly onto the glass and frame surfaces and interacting with the drawings in unplanned, ever changing, interconnected ways...

Thanks to the synchronicity of meeting Jim Leftwich (5 years after I had decided that my works most closely fit the definitions of "asemic writing"), and then of learning that Jim and Tim Gaze had essentially operationalized the terms, "asemic writing," I was and am very pleased to sit in the asemia camp, if I may call it that And I am happy to call Jim a good friend. Within that friendship, and from his often profound knowledge base, Jim has inspired my work more than I could have imagined.


  1. Very cool in the same ways that Blake and string theory are cool ~~ keep on truckin'

  2. Supergroovy stuff. I really like these a lot, and thanks for the explanatory words!
