Friday, June 12, 2009

Windows Cleaners of the Darkness

This unlikely album, made by a group of window washers plus
a couple of cousins, including a taxi driver and a sous chef, turned
out to be an entertaining mix of environmental noise, hip-hop,
grunge, and ballad rock.

Who can forget such tunes as "Electric Butter Knife," "Glaucoma
Treatment," "Squeegee Go Up," and an odd cover of the mouth-
harp tune from the movie Deliverance, done with suction cups
and car doors?

For celebrity buffs, this album gave Raphael Flores, now known as
"Squeegee Man," his start, but it might also be his finish as fellow
band members supposedly told him, "Come back to this business and
we'll cut your rope."

Notably, "It Always Helps When Your Girlfriend's a Lawyer," a
Squeegee Man tune, chronicles this estrangment.

1 comment:

  1. Suction cups and car doors, eh? LOL..I'm going to have to check it out!
