Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alistair Wilde: Ka

Alistair Wilde (born June 21, 1953) is an English-born musician and artist best known as a founding member and the principal songwriter of the American new wave band Roving Spleens, which was active between 1976 and 1990. Since then, Wilde has released his own solo projects and worked in a variety of media, including film, photography, opera, and Internet-based projects. He has received Grammy, Oscar, and Golden Globe awards for his achievements. As a member of Roving Spleens, Wilde is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Ka is the first joint effort between Wilde and his third wife, experimental New York City musician Golda Silverberg. It was never made clear whether or not "Ka" was simply the name of the album or the name of the collaboration between Wilde and Silverberg. The couple worked on creating a blend of electronic and early African-American Gospel music throughout 2007 and early 2008. Unfortunately, Wilde's record label was reluctant to release the album, stating that it lacked commercial viability. Ka was finally released in early 2009 to mixed reviews.

The single Crazy Rhetoric was released free online to promote the album. The song features a bizarre spoken word performance by Silverberg and the recorded sound of a lamb being slaughtered. Wilde and Goldberg toured, performing songs from both the album and from the couple's other numerous collaborations from late 2009 to early 2010.

Original photos by Fritz Liess.

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